JKV Announces Phase IV of Reopening Independent Living
Effective Monday, June 14, the Independent Living portion of John Knox Village will move into Phase IV of its reopening plan. All COVID-19 related restrictions are being lifted, which means, for all intents and purposes, Independent Living is returning to pre-pandemic life.
In general, this means the non-Village individuals and groups (i.e. non-resident, non-associate, non-guest) may dine at Village restaurants, use Village salons, and attend events in our banquet and meeting spaces, following the guidelines set forth in the Resident Handbook.
- This includes outside groups, organizations and corporations who lease space at the Village.
- Hybrid groups (part resident, part community) also are welcome.
IMPORTANT: COVID-19 is still out there
We must still protect those who are most vulnerable.
- Non-vaccinated associates will continue wearing masks. Exception: Village Care Center and Village Assisted Living associates will all wear masks.
- Individuals on campus who have not been fully vaccinated should continue to follow CDC guidelines: wear masks, practice physical distancing, socialize outdoors, avoid crowded indoor spaces, and wash your hands frequently.
- Those who desire to wear face coverings, or are directed by their physician to do so because of underlying health conditions, may continue wearing them and are not discouraged from doing so.
- If you see other people wearing a mask, they may have a good reason. Please don’t bother them about it.
- Village Assisted Living and the Village Care Center are still following restrictions put in place by the authorities that govern long term care communities. Visitors are welcome, but they must sign in and be screened upon entering the building, and must wear a mask while in corridors and common areas.
- Please keep a mask with you at all times. When entering another resident’s home, it would be a good practice to ask their preference. Plus, you never know when you may end up at a business that still requires them.
Dining notes
- Fireside Dining is still serving Village Assisted Living only.
- Starting Monday, June 21, curb-side pickup service is being discontinued at the Courtyard Café and The Meadows restaurants, so that our dining staff can give their best service in the dining rooms. You are still welcome to phone in orders; they will still happy to have your orders waiting when you walk in to pick them up.
- Also starting Monday, June 21, Lakeside Grille will limit curbside pickup to Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Final thoughts
As always, the Village reserves the right to reimpose restrictions if/as it deems necessary, or as dictated by the county if there is a resurgence of COVID-19 or its variants in the region.
If you or a guest have been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing any COVID-like symptoms, we ask that you stay home and contact your physician.
And if you would like to be immunized, our pharmacy partner, Symbria, has agreed to provide innoculations for residents and associates on an ongoing basis, using either Moderna or Johnson & Johnson. Appointments can be scheduled through Ginger Warner, in the Administrative Center at [email protected] or 816-347-2031.
Thank you
Speaking on behalf of the leadership of John Knox Village, we would all like to thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for the months of exercising care for your neighbors, for putting the wellbeing of others before your own, and for weathering months of inconvenience and frustration.
Thank you for the kindness you have shown our associates as they worked to keep you safe, and for truly coming together as a Village during the toughest of times. We have all experienced losses in many ways, and we have banded together and overcome. You ARE the P.R.I.D.E. of John Knox Village.